St. Peter's Anglican Church, Comox is a registered charity. Our charity registration number is 118787142RR0054

With your help and with the grace of God, we will continue to reach out  to those in greatest need of our support, in the unending love of Jesus Christ. Your gift to St Peter's Anglican Church is a great way to support our ministry.

Your prayers and financial support are an expression of our love for God, the church and others and are vital to our success. There are many ways in which you can partner with us - at home, in church, with friends, by joining us in prayer, making a regular donation or even with a bequest in your Will. We are most grateful for any financial support you can provide! Thank you! Click here for other ways to donate to ministry and outreach programs at St. Peter's.

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21

There are many ways you can donate to the work of the parish:

  • By e-transfer through your online banking app to [please put your full name and address in the message field for a CRA-approved receipt by email]
  • By giving online through our CanadaHelps webpage. This is easy and secure. Receipt is sent automatically
  • By cheque or money order: Please make it payable to "St Peter's Anglican Church", and mail it to St Peter's Anglican Church, 218 Church Street, Comox, BC, V9M 2G3, Canada.
  • Pre-authorized giving: Please consider donating a set amount from your bank account each month. Starting in March 2023 this is called the PAR (pre-approved remittance) program.  You can make a regular automated donation by completing a PAR Authorization Form, and returning it to the St. Peter's office. For more information about pre-authorized debits click here. To change the amount of the donation or designation, send an email to or use the contact form below. If your banking information changes, fill out the form with a voided cheque or in the case of savings account a coded letter from the bank.
  • Leaving a legacy in your Will: Generous people have left us extraordinary gifts in their bequests, to ensure our work will continue into the future. You may include instructions to use your bequest for a particular area of our work, or for projects at our discretion. We would be delighted to discuss with you how leaving a legacy to St Peter's Anglican Church can make an impact in realizing our vision. Please contact our office at 250-941-5388 or send an email to
  • By pledging your refundable containers at the Courtenay Return-It depot to account #686 

Click to learn how to donate to Bridging the Gap and the Blessings Boutique

To give almost-anonymously but still get a receipt, you can get an envelope # and use an offering envelope. Ask at the office.

To donate to one of our Partners in Mission, click here for more information.

Contact the envelope secretary

To change your pre-approved donations or for other questions about donating

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