Catherine Pate, director of communications for our diocese, released this information recently:
Over the last several weeks I’ve been receiving emails from parishes that are having problems with their newsletter ending up in subscribers’ spam filter or not hitting some inboxes at all. I think we have narrowed down the bulk of these issues as stemming from the Shaw Communications spam filters (i.e. if your parishioner has a Shaw account they may not be receiving the email because it is being filtered out by the server). To help address the issue I have instructed to assign your admin@ parish email as the one that your newsletter is being sent from. By doing this they can authenticate the domain from the side of the equation. This work will be done over the coming week. However, this is only one part of the problem. The other is Shaw. So, I have sent them a list of our domains and asked them to ‘approve’ all of them. I am waiting to hear back.
While I try to work this out for all parishes, it will help if you can do the following:
Please let me know in early July if you continue to have problems.