Each month follows this pattern. Extra services and alternate services are held during Lent, Summer and Advent, so please check the calendar and subscribe to our newsletter for reminders each week.

First Sunday  8:30am Traditional (Trad) Holy Communion (HC)  10:30am Book of Alternative Services (BAS, the green book) Holy Communion (HC)

Second Sunday  8:30am Trad HC  10:30am Islands and Inlets HC - This is an ecological liturgy that grounds us in where we live, the distinctiveness of its landscape and its history. It increases the sense that God and place are part of a whole.

Third Sunday  8:30am Morning Prayer  - a traditional semi-sung service 10:30am BAS HC 

Fourth Sunday  8:30am Trad HC  10:30am Creative/Alternative (may or may not be HC)

Fifth Sunday (please check the calendar) 11:00am one service only, Holy Communion service followed by potluck lunch - everyone welcome, whether you bring food or not! 

I hope you are fed by this pattern of praise, which includes place, Incarnation, family and creation,  and that it encourages you into a depth of worship of our Father God
Sulin Milne