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I am a cursillista, which means I have made my Cursillo Weekend.  Cursillo (Cur see yo) is a Spanish word meaning short course, in this case a short course in Christian living.  It is not simply listening to talks and participating in activities.  It is to be experienced, not just understood intellectually. 

Some of you at St. Peter’s, Comox and at  St. John’s in Courtenay are cursillistas.  After a Cursillo weekend, we can join a group that meets regularly to pray and share our past week or so regarding prayer, study, action and perhaps when we were most aware of the Lord’s presence.  We talk about our future plans for action as well.  I have enjoyed being part of my group that meets weekly for a few years now.

We also hold area meetings called ‘Ultreyas’.  Ultreya is a Spanish word meaning, ‘ONWARD’.   We move onward sharing in a caring Christian community outside of but connected to our church experiences.   At an Ultreya we have prayer, a speaker followed by brief discussion and a snack with beverage. We form groups to have an experience similar to our regular groups and there is lots of singing.

YOU ARE INVITED to an Altreya at St. John the Divine, Courtenay.  It will take place Friday afternoon, May 10th at 2:00 P.M, finishing at 4:00 P.M.

I also wish to announce that there is a Cursillo Triennial Conference for Canada being held in Nanaimo at St. Paul’s Church, 100 Chapel Street, Nanaimo.

It is being held between June 14th and 16th.  There is a cost of $150.00 for the weekend that includes 5 meals and 4 talks.  There is no cost for the Grand Ultreya.

YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND the Saturday evening Grand Ultreya on June 15th from 6:00 to 9:15 P.M.   (Some of us will carpool.)

Contact Karen for more information

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