Our Green Team - small but mighty - organized an Earth Day event that inspired and excited. Ideas flowed like water. Love spread like butter. But the fiery spirit of Earth Day needs to be fed - will you help? The Green Team welcomes anyone with a passion for the planet. Of course you think constantly about how to show your love for Creation - but any time you are able to donate is appreciated. One hour a month? One hour a week? One hour a day? The choice is yours.
The Green Team also welcomes your opinion. What is most important to you? Recycling bubble wrap or cleaning up the ocean? Stopping herbicide use or reducing single-use plastic? Let your voice be heard! The Green Team is a fighting force under our direction. Let your wisdom and experience guide them. Here's how: Fill out the questionnaire.
It will only take a couple of minutes. Please take the time to show you care.
For a little more background on the Green Team, visit this page.