The 33 participants at the congregational meeting of June 1 ratified the Nominating Committee's recommendation, raising Denny Beeman to the position of People's Warden. Denny had a message for everyone: "I also tonight want to give great thanks to David Duncan for all the work and support that he has given St Peter's over time, and wish him well, and hope that he and Deb remain with us as part of our congregation. I don't know how many heard the Bishop’s sermon - it was quite wonderful, and one of the things that struck me as we begin a new year and hopefully, lose the pandemic, where she said, God gives us one another, to show up for one another and to work together as one with one another, and to me, that's what St Peter's needs to be all about. So thank you for the privilege of giving me this role."
Please pray for and support Denny in this new role.