The Water Cooler. The place in your office that at some point or another people gather around sharing their latest stories, dreams or cat memes. It is a great place to get caught up with your community because everyone usually stops by at some point in the day.
In Uganda, that communal spot is the tap stand. (Rather, some places in Uganda, but we are working on that :)
So with that in mind, we decided to name our new community newsletter - The TapStand - the latest evolution in connecting you with the impact you are having in Uganda through your support.
The TapStand will be a physical and digital newsletter that will connect you with the latest events, updates, and stories from Acts for Water's work in Uganda.
Our first issue is out now. Please visit:
Soon the taps will turn on in Kicuzi - because of the support of our Canadian and Ugandan partners. Kicuzi represents 6500 men, women and children whose life is about to change.
Read more about it here. Hope you enjoy it. - Jeff
PS March 22nd is World Water Day. We're launching our 20h20l campaign. I'd love for you to join me - visit: for all the details!